Laboratory Investigations
LabRad diagnostics is well equipped with the latest automated analyzers and well trained professionals to ensure that body fluids and tissues are accurately processed within the shortest possible time with accurate and reliable results delivered to aid in the diagnosis of different disease conditions. Our range of laboratory investigations include:

We use our well-equipped, fully automated chemical analyzers to provide accurate results. Tests conducted in our chemistry laboratory include; kidney function tests, liver function tests, total lipid profile, blood glucose tests, bone tests, cardiac markers and other body fluid chemistry analysis.

This is a sub section of the clinical chemistry laboratory.
Tests conducted include; pituitary hormonal assay, reproductive hormonal assay for both male and female, stress hormonal assay, thyroid function test, insulin level, prostate specific antigen and pregnancy tests (serum B HCG and urine B HCG).

Using our sophisticated haematology analysers, blood and blood components can be tested for effective detection and diagnosis of blood related ailment.
Tests conducted include; complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, coagulation studies, iron studies, direct and indirect coombs tests, haemoglobin electrophoresis.

This investigation is used to identify antibodies and proteins in the body.
The tests include; antibody titration, ABO and Rhesus blood grouping, coomb’s test, hepatitis panel, retroviral syndrome screening, etc.

We operate a well-equipped and standard blood bank. Blood and blood products are stored in their optimum temperature. We also offer a prompt and efficient service that always meet the emergency blood/ blood product needs of the patient.

We use a state of the art immunochemistry analyzer to analyze body fluids to detect antigen-antibody reactions, abnormal rise or fall in body blood components and abnormal production of certain chemicals in the body.

We use our advanced equipment to analyze body fluids, tissues and other body components to detect bacteria, parasites, fungi and virus or their imprints on body fluids. We also conduct drug sensitivity test.
Tests include; urine and stool analysis, high vaginal swab, urethral swab, ear and eye swab, microscopy, culture and sensitivity tests. Others include; cerebrospinal fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, blood culture, skin tests, seminal fluid analysis, fecal occult blood, widal tests, fungi studies, etc.

Call Us
+234 704 444 4465
Reach Us
Kachomoor Plaza,Opp. Liquid Bulk Filling Station, Owerri-PH Road, Obinze, Imo State.
Open Hours
MON-FRI 09:00 - 19:00
SAT-SUN 10:00 - 14:00